photo exhibition:November 2109

Hidefumi Koike / The Family of Seto Inland Sea
Dates: Nov.22 2019 - Dec.08 2019
Time: 13:00-20:00 Close on Wed.
@ photo gallery Sai
2-7-19 Sagisu Fukushma-ku, Osaka 553-0002
Entrance Fee: ¥500(Free charge for under 18)
The Seto Inland Sea lies between the Japanese main islands of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
Its calm water includes some 3000 islands, and mild climate and relaxed atmosphere are often referred to the Mediterranean Sea. The Seto Inland Sea is designated as the Japan’s first national park with its breathtaking beauty.
My wife was born and raised in a small island there.
Since we got married, visiting her hometown island during New Year's holidays and summer has become my family festivity.
Over the years of visits, I found out that the flow of time in the island is completely different from that of Tokyo. It was brought by people who live with seasons. The spirit and wisdom have been handed down from generation to generation. The traditional lifestyle and a behavioral characteristic are well preserved in the island. And beyond a nostalgia, these would become a light to a new paradigm.
I placed a family as a motif which I believe has a circulation of time like seasons. Through the photos of my Tokyo-born children associating with Seto Inland Sea, I want to think again about "what is happiness" now.
This is the story behind my shooting of “ The Family Of Seto Inland Sea ”
Talk event:How Landscape affects raising humanity」
Date: November 22, 19:00 〜
Charge:¥1,000(Entrance fee + 1 drink + a)
Hidefumi Koike(Photographer)X Tomoaki Akasaka(owner of gallery)
Ask for akasaka.tomoaki(a) ※Please replace (a) to 「@」.
When you send e-mail, please entitle the e-mail as "Asking Talk event" with your name and your cell-phone number.
Hidefumi KoikeI took a year’s leave of absence from a public high school in Tokyo, went over to California, USA. After graduation from the local public high school there, I was wandering across the america. Since graduating from university, I have repeated the overseas coverage and published photos and articles in newspapers and magazines. I keep taking pictures under the theme of Tokyo, Seto Inland Sea and India at present.